National Compliment Day: Compliments to Win Over Your Valentine

CoupleJanuary 24 is National Compliment Day — you may not think it’s an idea worthy of devoting an entire day to raise awareness of…. until you receive a compliment and feel how powerful it is. It feels good to be recognized and appreciated — especially by loved ones. With Valentine’s Day coming up, we thought we give you a few ideas for National Compliment Day with 5 ideas for compliments to win over your Valentine.cake

  1. Point out the little things. That cute mole, that wildly adorable cowlick, the crooked smile — those things that no one else would notice but you think is lovely should be said out loud. It’ll make your valentine melt.
  2. Highlight the things your valentine works hard on. The masterful way he or she can curate knickknacks on the mantel, how he or she can diffuse a heated situation between the kids, how well that chocolate cake came out on the first try. Your valentine will love you all the more when his or her hard work is noticed.
  3. Shout out loud that you are proud. Telling someone that you are proud of him or her is an all-encompassing compliment, but it lets that person know you are better person for having your valentine in your life.
  4. kids-on-ballsUnderscore parenting. Telling your valentine she’s a good mother or he’s a father, is about the best compliment you can give anyone. That someone is able to shape a child into a good and admirable person, is no small feat. While you’re at it, your in-laws might appreciate a similar compliment.
  5. Rare combinations. He’s smart and hilarious. She’s creative and warmhearted. He’s interesting and can sing beautifully. When your valentine understands you think he or she is the total package it will make your heart and your valentine’s heart swell.

While we want others to feel good, they want you to feel good, too. Remember that it’s just as important to graciously receive compliments as it is to give them — be prepared to give and receive lots of love this Valentine’s Day!

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