Making a House a Home

HomeMoving property can be a difficult process, particularly if you had a strong emotional attachment to your previous home. Moving to a different area, or to an undecorated house can make ‘home’ seem like a far away and sometimes unhappy place.

There are numerous ways a spice up your new property, on both the interior and exterior. Perhaps buy a luscious armchair and bookcase for the lounge so that you can spend your spare time relaxing and losing yourself in an exhilarating novel. Alternatively, decorating your lounge with warm colors and wall decals is the perfect way to create a homely and comforting space. Wall decals are a low cost way to transform your room and create a unique look in your home.

Perhaps you have moved location away from friends and family? If so, why not invest in photo frames and print out some favorite snaps from days gone by. Placing photographs around your house will evoke positive memories. No photos? Why not create memories by hosting a house warming party for friends and family – your house will be the hive of activity for a night and it may be a good idea to invite some neighbors too and make new friends in your new location.

Don’t just use your house as a place to sleep and eat. Spend time in your house and learn to enjoy the four walls that surround you – take a relaxing bath, enjoy a film or cook your favorite dish. Simply enjoying yourself is a low cost way of adapting to your new home.

The cleanliness of your house is important – living surrounded by old takeaway dishes is far from healthy and maintaining a clean property will consequently result in a feeling of pride about your new place. At the same time, however, it is not a the end of the world if you sport a speck of dust lying here or there; a home should be lived in, not treated like a laboratory.

It is important to focus on the exterior of your property too. Although you may have decorated the interior marvelously, your house will not feel like a home if you arrive from work to a weed-ridden garden every night. Not only will gardening make your property attractive, it is also a hugely rewarding activity that will produce a feel good feeling about yourself and your property.

Your property should reflect the sort of person that you are. If you enjoy playing video games, treat yourself to a wall mounted TV and don’t be afraid to show off your hobby to visitors. If you fancy yourself as quite the chef, line your shelves with cookbooks and invite colleagues or neighbors to dinner.  Overall, if you make happy memories in your new property – these can be memories you create yourself, or with friends – you will soon learn to love it as a home.

Billy Sexton is a creative consultant for a digital marketing agency in Norwich. He specializes in writing online content for digital audiences and loves to research new ideas, explore current events and write up his findings.

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