Ideas to Help Everyone Give Back on Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day! There are many ways to give back on November 11th, but there are just as many ways to support veterans every day of the year by finding the right volunteer opportunities, donating to an esteemed veterans organization from around the country and more. Read on to learn more about how to celebrate Veterans Day, and find out about some great veterans organizations if you want to get involved.


Veterans Day: Thoughtful Ways to Celebrate
November 11 is the anniversary of Armistice Day; the date World War I ended. It’s the day we celebrate the veterans in our country. This day of celebration was established in 1938. We know the when in celebrating, but do we know the how? Whether you have family, friends, neighbors or just want to celebrate the service of all American veterans and service members, check out these ideas to honor veterans in your community.

How to Show Support

National Military Family Association
The National Military Family Association prides itself on being the go-to source for information regarding all issues related to military families in America. Starting in 1969, NMFA has established a sturdy foundation of programs, including scholarships for military spouses, services for children in military families, opportunities for families to reconnect and more. It’s also a great resource for information and support on subjects such as how to handle deployment, what to know about military leave and benefits, life after the military and more.

Operation Gratitude
Operation Gratitude focuses on sending care packages to military members deployed overseas as well as their families at home, to veterans, care givers and more. The care packages are typically packed with food, entertainment, hygiene, handmade items as well as personal letters of appreciation from Americans all over the country. It has lifted the spirits of countless veterans, service members and families since 2003, sending more than 1.64 million care packages. Send a letter of your own to say “Thank You” on Veterans Day here.

Disabled American Veterans
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) helps improve the lives of veterans by providing free rides for veterans to get to medical appointments, and also assists with thousands of benefits claims. In addition to providing over 700,000 rides, DAV is also dedicated to helping veterans find employment by making vital resources available and hosting job fairs. It also works to create a community of volunteers across the nation, from all the disabled veterans who inspire each other to the local chapters in each state for people to get involved.

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