National Opposite Day: 5 Ways to Celebrate with Kids

Many people aren’t aware, but today (January 25th) is the official National Opposite Day in America. It’s the perfect opportunity to break free of our monotonous winter routines by trying something completely different. And for parents, it’s a unique opportunity to turn an ordinary winter day into a fun tradition the kids will love!

National Opposite Day: 5 Ways to Celebrate with Kids

1. Breakfast for Dinner

One of the easiest ways for parents to celebrate National Opposite Day with their  kids is to make some of their favorite breakfast dishes for dinner. With more time to prepare and no morning rush, you’ll be able to upgrade their morning bowl of cereal for a breakfast menu with pancakes or waffles, and scrambled eggs.

2. Summer in Winter

The middle of winter is when your kids are missing their favorite summer activities the most. Make it feel like summer in your home on National Opposite Day by having a picnic inside for dinner. You and the kids could also set up a tent in the basement, bedroom or family room to have an impromptu camping trip in the house.

National Opposite Day: 5 Ways to Celebrate with Kids

3. Take Things Apart

Instead of putting something together, try taking something apart. Better than a puzzle or a traditional board game, this kind of activity will help satisfy their curiosity about how things work. Get an antique analog clock you can take apart with them, or an old radio or typewriter. Supervise and to keep track of all the little pieces.

4. Simple Switches

Another easy way to celebrate National Opposite Day is to incorporate simple switches throughout the day. Give your kid the grownup mug for their morning orange juice. They’ll get a kick out of their parents having to use kiddie cups at your breakfast-for-dinner. They’ll also have fun trying to walk around in your big shoes.

National Opposite Day: 5 Ways to Celebrate with Kids

5. Bedtime Stories

Wind down National Opposite Day by giving your kids the opportunity to read their favorite bedtime story to you. It’s a good idea to move this up in the schedule so they still have a little energy to get through the story. Or, if you’re up for it, you could do a full bed swap and let your kids have the grownup bed all to themselves.

The great thing about National Opposite Day is that you don’t have to celebrate on January 25th. Turn any day on the calendar into an opposite day for you and your kids this winter. Mix things up, make some great memories and keep them entertained until summer rolls around with toys, games and more from Lakeside.

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